The literature differs on the prevalence of complications post coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG). These complications include: Wound infection and bleeding Reactions to anesthesia Fever Pain Stroke, myocardial infarction, or even death Some patients develop a fever associated with chest pain, irritability, and decreased appetite. This is due to inflammation involving the lung and heart sac. […]
Category archives for Sepsis
As mentioned in my previous blog posts sepsis is a significant problem in the hospital settings of the world, costing countries billions of dollars a year in health care costs. In order to combat this problem, countries from around the world came together in the fall of 2002 and launched the Surviving Sepsis Campaign. In […]
As mentioned in my previous blog post sepsis is a huge problem in the hospital setting in the world, costing countries billions of dollars a year in health care costs. In order to combat this problem, countries from around the world came together in the fall of 2002 and launched the Surviving Sepsis Campaign. In […]
There are more than 750,000 cases of sepsis each year in the United States. The mortality rate of sepsis is 20% and economic cost of sepsis is $17 billion a year. The incidence of sepsis is projected to increase by 1.5% a year. Although the prognosis of sepsis has improved the death rate will increase […]
Delirium is one of the symptoms of sepsis. The brain has an important role in sepsis. One of the ways is as a target for the pathologic processes involved in sepsis. Sepsis causes brain dysfunction, or sepsis-associated (SAE). Delirium is a major component of SAE. It is associated with a change in cognition or perceptual […]